Club Square Draw
All games in the CCC square draws will be played under the Rules of Curling for “General Play” (non-officiated) as provided by Curling Canada ( Please note that this includes the Free Guard Zone (FGZ), Five Rock Rule. Where the below stated house rules conflict with the Curling Canada rules, the house rules take precedence.
Games shall be played on the date specified unless prior arrangements have been made via the office. All postponed games must be made up prior to the completion of the current round robin square. You must advise the office as to the winner as soon as possible.
Prior to the start of the 6:45 pm and 9:00 pm CCC league draws, ice staff will prepare the ice. Members are required to stay off the ice until preparations are completed.
At the conclusion of a round in the Square Draw, the club will post the next schedule as soon as possible. It is the team’s responsibility to find out their schedule.

Centre Line No Tick Rule
All Calgary Curling Club Associate Leagues and Evening Leagues with the exception of the Wednesday Premium League will NOT enforce the “Centre Line No Tick” rule. The rule states “If, prior to the delivery of the sixth stone of an end, a delivered stone causes either directly or indirectly, an opposition stone in the Free Guard Zone (FGZ) which is touching the centre line to be moved to an off-centre line position or to a position outside the FGZ, the non-offending team has the option to:
(i) Remove the delivered stone from play, and replace all stones that were displaced to their positions prior to the violation taking place; or
(ii) Leave all stones where they came to rest.
Re-stated, the only league at the Calgary Curling Club that will enforce the “Centre Line No Tick Rule” is the Wednesday Premium League.
Rationale: Curling Canada has adopted this rule only for its championship events starting in the 2023-24 curling season. Curling Canada has NOT published this rule in the Curling Canada Rules of Curling September 2022 – August 2026 book, nor has it published this rule in the Summary of Changes from the previous book to this version document.
League Schedules & Results
Evening league schedules & results can be found posted on bulletin boards at the CCC and in the League Schedules & Results Menu at the top of this page.
League Substitution Rules
There are 3 categories of spares:
● Rover: An individual that has a current Club rover membership.
● Member: An individual, Shareholder or otherwise, that is a registered participant on a current Club team but does not have a rover membership.
● *Non-Members: An individual with no current affiliation to the club or a Social Shareholder.
The following definitions are used for the purposes of the Club’s substitution rules:
On a 4-person team the:
● Lead; is the player who delivers the first 2 stones
● Second; is the person that delivers the 3rd and 4th stones
● Third; is the person that delivers the 5th and 6th stones
● Fourth; is the person who delivers the 7th and 8th stones
On a 3-person team the:
● Lead; is the person that delivers the first 3 stones
● Second; is the person that delivers the 4th, 5th, and 6th stones
● Fourth; is the person that delivers the 7th and 8th stones
A Rover can play any position, however, they can only play Fourth when the team’s regular Fourth and Third are absent.
A Member can spare at Lead, Second, or Third only.
A *Non-Member can spare at Lead or Second only.
The player positions referred to in these rules pertain to the delivery rotation. They do not refer to who calls the game. There are no restrictions on who calls the game.
A team can use multiple spares even if the spares are of different categories, however, each spare must follow the position restrictions for their own category.
*Non-Members may spare up to 3 times for a team, in one season. After that, they must purchase a membership before playing in a 4th game.
Please consult the office about membership options.
CCC Premium League:
The CCC Premium League allows for any curler to spare in any position for any game. The above listed rules for Rovers, Members and Non-Members do not apply to the CCC Premium League.
CCC Mixed League:
The substitution rules listed above will apply, along with the following:
- For mixed teams playing a game with only 3 players, alternating gender rules will be applied only to the last 2 players for the team. Back end must be comprised of one female and one male player.
- For mixed teams playing a game with 4 players, alternating gender rules will be in force for the entire line-up.
For gender-specific leagues such as Monday/Wednesday night Men’s Leagues, only same gender substitutions are allowed.
Teams which fail to comply with the substitution rules as listed could forfeit any game in which an improper roster was used.
Any disputes regarding substitution will be adjudicated by the Club Manager along with several Club Directors as nominated by the President, and their decision will be final.
If a team is present and ready to play on the draw date, and the opponents fail to appear within 30 minutes after the scheduled starting time, the game will be forfeited to the team present.
If a team is present and ready to play on the date drawn, and the opponents appear more that 10 minutes after the scheduled starting time, one point shall be awarded for every 10 minutes that the opposition is late. For each point awarded, one end shall be considered played. The team awarded the points shall have ‘last rock’ in the first end played.
Rovers will be contacted by skips using the list provided on the website or from the Club office. The office will amend the master list by additions and deletions as they occur. Rovers who desire a game and have not been called may contact the Club office. If a skip calls in, a rover will be slotted in for that team at the time desired. Rovers are reminded that they can get in a game almost any draw by being at the Club prior to the scheduled draw time.
Shares and Fees
Shares in the Calgary Curling Club carrying playing rights can be transferred through the Board of Directors. Shareholders who wish to dispose of their shares are requested to submit a disposal request in writing to the General Manager who will present the request to the Calgary Curling Club Share Committee.
Any shareholder not registered in a league in the current season is required to pay a mandatory $45 annual social due in order to maintain their shareholder status.
Any person or member may, at the discretion of the Board of Directors, be suspended for non-payment of dues or any other conduct not deemed by the Board to be in the best interest of the Club. The Board of Directors may, at their discretion, declare the playing share of any person or persons so suspended to be cancelled and the funds obtained from the sale of such shares may be used to pay any indebtedness of such person or persons to the Club, with the balance to be returned to the shareholder. Dues are to be paid at time of registration.
Wednesday Premium League Rules
The Premium League at the Calgary Curling Club will be guided by the Rules of Curling set out by the Curling Canada, including the following specific rules for this league.
The 5 Rock Rule is in effect.
The Centre Line No Tick Rule is in effect.
Any curler is allowed to spare in any position for any game.
Sweeping brushes must use a World Curling Federation (WCF) conforming head. A non-conforming head can be used on a delivery broom but cannot be used to sweep at any time during a game. All players must abide by the policies / rules for brush heads and brushing as set forth by the WCF.
Games are 8 ends of regulation play. There is NO buzzer to indicate the final end of the game. Slow play goes against the spirit of the league and the game. Please do your best to keep the pace of play at two hours for 8 ends.
If the game is tied after 8 ends:
An extra end will be played (with the exception noted below).
If the game is still tied after the 9th end, the skips will throw one rock each to the button with sweepers.
The exception is: if both teams agree not to play an extra end, then the tie will be broken with the skips throwing one rock each to the button with sweepers.
These rules are self-policed. We expect all players to honour them and to ensure that all members of teams follow suit. Players or teams not following the rules may be subject to discipline when reported. Thanks in advance for your cooperation.
Buzzer Times – 100 minutes after game start time
The buzzer will sound on the 6:45 pm draw at 8:25 pm, and the 9 pm draw at 10:40 pm The teams will then complete the end that is being played plus one more end. An end is considered to have commenced when the first rock of that end has crossed the nearer tee line.
CCC leagues will play to the buzzer with a maximum of eight ends. All leagues will be buzzed.
A prize will be given to the team with the highest number of points in each section upon completion of every go round in Club play.
Practice Ice
Various times during the curling season are available for practice ice. All practice ice must be booked through the Club office. Shareholders will be allowed to book practice ice 7 days in advance, and non-shareholders 3 days in advance. At the discretion of management a charge may be levied for no-shows. A schedule of available times is provided on the club website and updated as often as possible, but bookings may be in the book but not yet on the website.
There is a $15.00 per person per hour charge for all persons not classified as a Calgary Curling Club curler. Anyone playing in a CCC league, class or Associate League is considered a CCC curler (with the exception of spares in Associate Leagues, who must pay the $15 fee). All practice must be completed at the buzzer time of the previous draw.
House Rules
The Club’s upstairs lounge is licensed by The Alberta Gaming & Liquor Commission and its use and operation is governed by the relevant Provincial Statues and Regulations. We particularly remind members of the following rules:
- The lounge is open for members in good standing and their spouses. However, guests are welcome.
- The lounge is to be vacated one hour after the bar has been closed.
- No alcoholic beverages are to be kept in the locker room or consumed in the Club unless purchased at the bar and consumed in the licensed area.
- The Club is a non-smoking facility.
- Minors may accompany their parents in the lounge although they are not to be served alcoholic beverages. Members are requested to control the behaviour of their children while on Club premises.
- Members will be held responsible for the actions of their guests while on Club premises.
- The use of corn brooms and hair brushes is not permitted for sweeping, they may be used for the purpose of delivery only.
Brooms, curling shoes and equipment bags are not to be taken into the upstairs lounge. Guests should leave equipment in the coatroom immediately outside the lounge area. Fire regulations stipulate that all stairwell doors should be shut at all times. No smoking is allowed in the Club.
Members of the Club, including Shareholder members, may be subject to disciplinary measures for conduct that has been determined to be improper, unbecoming or likely to endanger the interest or reputation of the Club, or for willfully committing a breach of the constitution or regulations of the Club. The Board of Directors is charged with ultimate authority and responsibility for disciplinary matters. However, it does hereby delegate the following limited disciplinary powers:
- To the Club Manager, the power to suspend a member’s Club privileges for seven days or less.
- To the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors, the power to cause the Club to forward a letter of reprimand to the member.
The membership privileges of a Non-Shareholder curler may be suspended for a period of more than 90 days, or he or she may be expelled from membership by a resolution to that effect passed by a vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the Directors in office at the date the resolution is passed.
The membership privileges of a Shareholder Member may be suspended for a period of no more than 90 days, or he or she may be expelled from membership by a vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the Directors in office at the date the resolution is passed, provided however that no Shareholder Member shall be expelled from membership prior to being given an opportunity to address the Board of Directors at a meeting of the Board.
CCC is only able to provide our world-class services to the curling community thanks to the generosity of our Supporters. Please try to support them in return.
There are many ways for businesses, grant providers, and individuals to support our club. Click here for opportunities.
Our Mission
To provide a world-class facility and resources to promote participation and excellence in curling in Calgary.
Our Hours
Mon-Fri 9:00am - 9:00pm
Sat-Sun 9:00am - 7:00pm